// add this before event code to all pages where PII data postback is expected and appropriate ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('Contact', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('ClickButton', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('SubmitForm', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". });
top of page

Authorization for the processing of information and personal data



The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation 2016/679) is legislation approved by the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission with the aim of strengthening data protection for all individuals both within and outside the European Union (EU). The GDPR gives citizens and residents more control over their personal data and simplifies the regulatory environment for international business by unifying regulation. The Regulation was adopted on April 27, 2016, and came into effect on May 25, 2018, after a two-year transition period. Unlike a directive, the GDPR does not require national governments to pass any enabling legislation, and it is directly binding and applicable in all states maintaining commercial relations with the European Union.


INMIGRACIONOK LLC has developed a "Personal Data Processing Policy" to comply with the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the State of New Jersey, where our main headquarters are located. This policy is aimed at our clients, as well as individuals and entities, and covers the guidelines and controls necessary to ensure the trust of all interested parties. We implement technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and security of the personal data we process.

INMIGRACIONOK LLC offers all our clients and people who are currently part of our organization, either as employees or suppliers, the guarantee that the personal data obtained in the context of operations requested or celebrated with our organization will be treated according to the principles and obligations established in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for all relevant purposes. This information is available at the following location:

URL Data Processing Policy website:





  1. The primary objective of the INMIGRACIONOK LLC Personal Data Processing Policy is to protect and respect the personal data of its clients, employees, and suppliers. This policy covers from the legal management of requests and claims to compliance with data protection regulations and the protection of the interests and needs of the data subjects.

  2. Comply with applicable laws and regulations related to the Data Processing Policy, specifically the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that governs the state of New Jersey in the United States.

  3. Establish principles and data processing practices for the reception, collection, use, storage, transfer, and deletion of data through informed consent and at all stages where information is required to ensure the provision of the contracted service or product.

  4. Ensure data security against unauthorized access, loss, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

  5. Promote transparency and communication regarding data processing practices, providing clear and understandable information to data subjects about how their personal data is used and what their rights are.

  6. Establish responsibilities and governance within the organization to ensure policy compliance, as well as establish mechanisms for accountability and response to inquiries, complaints, and requests from data subjects.




The personal data processing policy of INMIGRACIONOK LLC has a broad scope and covers various areas to ensure the protection of the personal information of the data subjects.


First, the policy commits to legally handling requests and claims made by the data subjects. This means that the company will ensure to adequately manage any request or claim related to personal data, whether from the data subject or an authorized person.


Additionally, the policy ensures compliance with the requirements of the current GDPR regulations regarding Personal Data Protection. This means that INMIGRACIONOK LLC commits to following all laws and regulations related to personal data protection to ensure that data is treated legally and securely. They also commit to complying with any requirements originating from the principle of demonstrated responsibility, which implies a commitment to protecting personal data.


Another key aspect of the policy is to duly protect the interests and needs of the data subjects whose personal information is processed by the company. This means that INMIGRACIONOK LLC will strive to safeguard the personal information of its clients and ensure it is used securely and responsibly. This may include appropriate security measures such as data encryption, restricted access to information, and the implementation of internal controls to prevent unauthorized access.




  • The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

  • Internal Organization Processes


Glossary and Definitions:


  • RESTRICTED ACCESS: Refers to a limited and controlled level of access to the personal information of INMIGRACIONOK LLC's clients. This means that only authorized persons with appropriate permissions can access stored personal data. Parameters such as profiles, roles, and technical measures are established to ensure that only those with the corresponding authorization can access. This helps protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal data, preventing unauthorized disclosure or use.

  • AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR DATA PROTECTION: The area within INMIGRACIONOK LLC responsible for monitoring and controlling the application of the personal data protection policy and implementing the comprehensive data protection program is the IT Department, along with the Data Protection and Security Officer and the Customer Service Management (SAC), who will be responsible for handling and responding to PQRs related to data processing.

  • DATABASE: A structured and organized set of customer data with personal information that is subject to processing. The database may include files, photos, videos, physical formats, and proof of completion of electronic forms. In the case of INMIGRACIONOK LLC, these data are managed with CRM.

  • DATA QUALITY: The data provided by the client (Data Subject) must comply with the principles of truthfulness, completeness, accuracy, updating, verifiability, and understandability. In the case of having partial, incomplete, fragmented, or erroneous personal data, INMIGRACIONOK LLC must halt the associated processes that include these data until the client or "Data Subject" makes the respective correction.

  • RESTRICTED CIRCULATION: Personal data will be processed exclusively by INMIGRACIONOK LLC personnel performing functions related to the contracted product or service. The disclosure of personal data to unauthorized persons or other companies or external individuals by any member of INMIGRACIONOK LLC is NOT permitted.

  • INFORMED CONSENT FOR PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING: Consists of obtaining express and informed consent from the client and/or data subject to authorize the processing of their personal and family members' data. This consent is requested voluntarily, informed, and explicitly to allow the provision of a product or service within INMIGRACIONOK LLC and facilitate the data subject's claim to INMIGRACIONOK LLC in case of identifying inappropriate data use. Informed consent is a fundamental process in data protection and privacy rights.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY: Consists of managing information security that establishes the types of access to information and under what circumstances or processes within the organization it can be accessed. All INMIGRACIONOK LLC employees have signed confidentiality clauses related to handling customer data during their hiring process.

  • PERSONAL DATA: Personal data refers to information that can be linked to one or more specific natural persons or that can identify them. In other words, personal data are those related to a particular individual, treating them as a unique and identifiable individual.

  • PUBLIC DATA: Public data are NOT considered private or sensitive, such as the civil status of people, their profession or trade, their quality as a merchant. Public data may be contained in records and public documents such as deeds, gazettes, official bulletins, court judgments, among others that are NOT subject to confidentiality.

  • SEMI-PRIVATE DATA: Information that is not considered confidential or public but is known or disclosed within a sector or group of people or society, such as banking, financial, credit, and commercial activity data.

  • SENSITIVE DATA: Refers to data that affects the data subject's privacy or whose misuse may generate discrimination or exclusion, such as race or ethnic origin, political affiliations, religion or life philosophy, membership in unions or human rights organizations, as well as health data, sexual orientation, and biometric information.

  • RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: For processing children's and adolescents' data, INMIGRACIONOK LLC will ensure to handle only those data of "public nature." This means that the processing of minors' personal data, regardless of its nature, can be processed as long as the purpose pursued by said processing responds to the best interests of children and adolescents and ensures without exception the respect of their prevailing rights.

  • DATA PROCESSOR: A natural or legal person, public or private, who, by themselves or in association with others, processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. Acts as the data processor in cases where, by themselves or in association with others, they process personal data on behalf of a data controller.

  • DIGITAL INFORMATION: Digital information is considered to be stored or transferred by electronic and digital means, such as email, form completion, photo transfer, or transcribed in databases or other information systems.

  • PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING POLICY: A document containing the set of principles, guidelines, and procedures established by INMIGRACIONOK LLC to ensure the proper processing of personal data for its operational processes.

  • DATA CONTROLLER: A natural or legal person, public or private, who, by themselves or in association with others, decides on the information and/or data processing. INMIGRACIONOK LLC acts as the data controller regarding all personal data it directly decides on, in compliance with legally recognized functions.

  • DATA SUBJECT: A natural person whose personal data is subject to processing. In the case of the contracted service, the data subject may provide personal data of their family members (parents, siblings, spouse, children), as applicable to the contracted service. Before providing all data, the data subject must sign the informed consent for data processing, thus granting authorization to INMIGRACIONOK LLC to manage both their personal and family information.

  • PROCESSING: Processing of personal data refers to any operation or set of operations carried out by INMIGRACIONOK LLC, including the collection, storage, use, circulation, and deletion of such data.

  • TRANSFER: Data transfer is the process by which information or personal data is sent from a data controller and/or data processor to an authorized recipient (state entities, for example), who also assumes responsibility for data processing. This transfer is made to provide the service contracted by the "Data Subject."

  • TRANSMISSION: Personal data transmission involves transferring such information to another authorized person, company, or entity that is part of the activities related to the contracted service by the client. Its main objective is to allow specific activities necessary to provide the contracted service effectively.




  • Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency: The processing of personal data must be carried out legally, fairly, and transparently to gain the data subject's trust, following the current laws of the State of New Jersey in the United States.

  • Freedom: Personal data can only be processed with the data subject's informed, prior, and express consent. They cannot be obtained from unauthorized external sources or disclosed without prior authorization.

  • Purpose Limitation: Personal data will be collected for specific and legitimate purposes and cannot be subsequently processed for other purposes.

  • Necessity and Temporality: Only necessary and relevant personal data should be collected for the specified purpose. Additionally, they must be retained for the necessary time to fulfill said purpose.

  • Quality, Accuracy, and Truthfulness: Personal data must be accurate, complete, up-to-date, verifiable, understandable, and truthful. Processing partial, incomplete, fragmented data, or data that induces error is prohibited. If any inaccuracy is detected, processing must be stopped until corrected by the Data Subject.

  • Transparency: The "Data Subject" has the right to obtain, at any time and without restrictions, information from the data controller or processor about the existence of data concerning them. The Data Subject can request information on the processes carried out through INMIGRACIONOK LLC's communication channels.

  • Conservation Limitation: Personal data must be kept for the necessary time to fulfill the specified purpose. They should not be retained longer than necessary, with a determined time frame for deleting the information.

  • Confidentiality and Access: Processing can only be carried out by persons or entities authorized by the Data Subject for the processes of the contracted service with INMIGRACIONOK LLC.

  • Security, Integrity, and Restricted Circulation: Personal data must be processed securely, protecting them against unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or disclosure. The information subject to processing by the data controller or processor must be handled with the necessary technical, human, and administrative measures to ensure the security of documents, images, and records, preventing their alteration, loss, consultation, unauthorized or fraudulent use or access.




  • THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR): (Regulation 2016/679) is legislation approved by the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission to strengthen data protection for all individuals both within and outside the European Union (EU). Unlike a directive, the GDPR does not require national governments to pass any enabling legislation, as it is directly binding and applicable in all states maintaining commercial relations with the European Union.

  • IDENTITY THEFT PREVENTION ACT (ITPA): Establishes protection measures against identity theft and requires entities to implement reasonable safeguards to protect the personal information of New Jersey residents.

  • CONSUMER FRAUD ACT: Protects consumers from fraudulent business practices, including the unauthorized disclosure of personal data.

  • DATA BREACH NOTIFICATION LAW: Establishes requirements for notifying New Jersey residents in the event of a security breach resulting in the unauthorized disclosure of personal data.

  • PERSONAL INFORMATION AND PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (PIPPA): Protects the privacy of personal information and sets requirements for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data by entities.

  • CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (COPPA): Although it is a federal law, the state of New Jersey also applies and supports this law, which protects the online privacy of children under 13 years old and regulates the collection of their personal information.


Data Subject Authorization


The data subject must give prior, express, and informed authorization for their data processing, which must be obtained in writing or orally and be subject to subsequent consultation. In the case of children and adolescents, authorization for processing will be given by their legal representative, following the minor's exercise of their right to be heard, an opinion that will be assessed considering their maturity, autonomy, and capacity to understand the matter. Authorization is not required for data processing in the following cases:

  • Information required by a public or administrative entity in the exercise of its legal functions or by court order.

  • Public data.

  • Data related to medical conditions.

  • Information processing authorized by law for historical, statistical, or scientific purposes.

  • Data related to the Civil Registry and identity documents.


Purpose of Information Processing for Clients:


  • Comply with the objectives and functions established in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that aims to protect privacy and data protection rights and regulates most states in the United States. The GDPR grants individuals rights over their data, including access, rectification, deletion, and portability.

  • Contact and send information to the data subject through physical or digital communication channels manually or automatically, such as phone calls, video calls, voice messages, text messages, WhatsApp messages, emails, website forms, social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Google ADS; to offer products/services or verify and inform the fulfillment of contractual obligations acquired by the parties.

  • Manage requests, inquiries, updates, rectifications, or data suppression made by INMIGRACIONOK LLC, related to the acquired product, to carry out procedures, current regulations, processes, and procedures.

  • Contact the Data Subject through telephone means to follow up on their process, confirm personal data, and/or service satisfaction surveys conducted by INMIGRACIONOK LLC's Customer Service department necessary for maintaining the pre-contractual and contractual relationship.

  • Allow the registration of personal data in INMIGRACIONOK LLC's databases to provide the requested service to the client and evaluate and generate statistical data as indicators for formulating new service policies.

  • Authorize the sending and registration of relevant information both in physical and digital media to government or judicial entities to file the necessary documents or forms for immigration processes that are the subject of the contract with the client.

  • Provide truthful and accurate information during information requests made throughout the process. These data must be correct and up-to-date. The accuracy of the information guarantees integrity and allows INMIGRACIONOK LLC to complete all procedures and legal actions associated with the case within the time indicated by our advisors.

  • Allow access to photographic records, video recordings, or audio of meetings held with sales executives, preparers, portfolio assistants, legal assistants, lawyers, customer service agents, marketing managers conducted by INMIGRACIONOK LLC, in compliance with its objectives and functions carried out as part of operational processes.

  • Management and processing of immigration requests from data collection, processing, and storage to carry out the necessary procedures and processes related to the immigration services offered by INMIGRACIONOK LLC.

  • Use of personal data to establish communication with clients, both Data Subjects and Family Members, via email, phone, WhatsApp, or other means, to provide information on the status of their immigration requests, requesting additional documentation, or responding to inquiries by Sales Agents, Portfolio Assistants, Legal Assistants, Customer Service Assistants.

  • Processing personal data to comply with legal and regulatory obligations in immigration matters, such as meeting the requirements and procedures established by immigration authorities.

  • Billing and financial management to carry out activities related to INMIGRACIONOK LLC's Portfolio, such as billing for services provided, managing payments, and maintaining accounting records.

  • Service improvement and customer service by analyzing and using personal data to evaluate and improve the services provided by INMIGRACIONOK LLC, and to offer better customer service by adapting solutions to individual client needs.


Purpose of Data Processing for Company Employees:


The following are the purposes of personal data processing for people who join INMIGRACIONOK LLC:


  • Participants in selection calls, personal data is used exclusively to carry out the processes related to selection, ensuring restricted access to resumes, medical exams, family information, respecting candidates' privacy.

  • Control compliance with the requirements established by the General Social Security System, ensuring adequate handling of related aspects and employees' social welfare.

  • Carry out necessary activities to comply with legal obligations related to people working and having worked in the company, ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting their labor rights.

  • Efficiently manage payroll payments, issue income and withholding certificates, subsidies according to legal provisions, and maintain clear and accurate records of all transactions.

  • Maintain and publish the company directory to facilitate contact and internal communication between people from different areas to promote greater collaboration and efficiency in all organizational processes.

  • Maintain a digital file for each person working in the company, allowing access to relevant contract information, ensuring secure document management, related records, and document updating during their tenure in the company.

  • Personal data of minors or children of employees for family welfare activities and other activities related to compliance with legal obligations established in family compensation funds, protecting and safeguarding their rights according to current regulations.


Purpose of Data Processing for Suppliers and Contractors:


The following are the purposes of personal data processing for Suppliers and Contractors joining INMIGRACIONOK LLC:


  • Handling personal data for freelance selection and hiring processes, ensuring efficient and transparent management in both hiring and associated activities.

  • Information to carry out all necessary internal procedures to comply with payments to suppliers and freelancers to ensure the company's accounting and tax obligations.

  • Administrative management of payments, issuance of income and withholding certificates for natural and legal persons to ensure proper financial management.

  • Information to comply with the different contractual stages in relations with suppliers, contractors, and freelancers, such as contract negotiation, compliance monitoring, and corresponding administrative management.

  • Contractual certifications requested by the company's contractors and requests from control entities.

  • Maintaining a digital file for each contractor or supplier to allow access to relevant contract information, ensuring secure document management and related records.

  • In addition to the mentioned purposes, other purposes will be determined in the processes of obtaining Personal Data, always in compliance with the law and within the functions attributable to INMIGRACIONOK LLC, ensuring privacy and protection of personal data according to current regulations.


Sensitive Data Processing:


INMIGRACIONOK LLC may require the processing of sensitive data due to the nature of the services provided and the laws and regulations related to immigration. Sensitive data are those that reveal specially protected personal information, such as ethnic or racial origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership, health data, sexual orientation, and biometric information, among others. Here are some reasons why an immigration company may need to process sensitive data:


  • To carry out immigration procedures, the company may need to collect and process information related to nationality, ethnic origin, or race of individuals. These data are necessary to verify compliance with legal immigration requirements and ensure conformity with applicable immigration laws.

  • Processing sensitive data may be necessary to evaluate individuals' eligibility for different types of visas, asylums, or immigration status. For example, it may be necessary to collect information on certain reasons related to religious beliefs, race, or political affiliation, among others, for certain types of applications.

  • In cases where individuals face legal situations or judicial processes related to their immigration status, the immigration company may need to collect and use sensitive data to recognize, exercise, or defend legal rights in a judicial process, such as biometric data.


Sensitive data processing is only possible under the following conditions:


  • The data subject has given their explicit informed consent for such processing for both themselves and their family members.

  • The processing is necessary to protect the data subject's vital interest, and they are physically or legally incapacitated. In such cases, the legal representatives will give their consent.

  • The processing refers to necessary data for recognizing, exercising, or defending a right in a judicial immigration process for the Data Subject and/or their family members.

  • The processing is for historical or statistical purposes. In this case, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that the information is processed anonymously.


Processing of Data of Children and Adolescents.


INMIGRACIONOK LLC may need to process data of children and adolescents for various reasons related to the services it offers. Here are some situations where processing data of this age group may be necessary:


Family immigration procedures, especially in situations where parents or legal guardians are carrying out such procedures involving children, INMIGRACIONOK LLC may need to collect and process personal data of minors to include them in the corresponding processes. Data processing of children and adolescents may be required in situations where their well-being and protection are important considerations, such as in international adoptions, family reunification, or other circumstances related to their immigration status, meeting the following parameters and requirements:


  • The data are of public nature.

  • Data processing responds to and respects the best interests of children and adolescents.

  • Their fundamental rights are guaranteed.


Once the above requirements are met, the legal representative of the children or adolescents must give authorization or informed consent, considering the minor's right to be heard. The minor's opinion will be assessed considering their maturity, autonomy, and capacity to understand the matter.


Responsibilities of Data Controllers and Processors.


The following are the responsibilities of "Processors" in data processing:


  • Ensure that the information provided to the data processor is truthful, complete, accurate, up-to-date, verifiable, and understandable, ensuring the quality and reliability of the shared data.

  • Identify and rectify incorrect information and communicate the relevant correction to the data processor, ensuring data accuracy and precision.

  • Keep the information up-to-date and timely communicate any updates related to previously provided data to the data processor, taking necessary measures to ensure the continuous updating of shared information.

  • As a data controller, ensure that the Data Subject can fully exercise their right of habeas data, allowing access and control over their personal data.

  • The data controller must request and keep a copy of the authorization granted by the data subject, complying with the conditions established by law to ensure the legitimacy of data processing.

  • Adequately inform the "Data Subject" about the purpose of data collection and the rights that correspond to them based on the granted authorization, providing transparency and clarity in information management.

  • Keep the information under secure conditions to avoid its alteration, loss, consultation, unauthorized or fraudulent use or access, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

  • Provide the data processor only the data that are previously authorized according to what is established by law, ensuring legitimate processing and compliance with regulatory provisions.

  • Generate specific procedures to ensure adequate compliance with the law, especially in managing inquiries and claims, ensuring the correct application of legal provisions.

  • Require the data processor to continuously respect the security and privacy conditions of the data subject's information, ensuring the protection and confidentiality of the data at all times.

  • Handle inquiries and claims presented by the data subjects within the terms established by law, providing timely and adequate attention to these requests.

  • Inform the data processor when there is a dispute related to certain information by the data subject once a claim has been submitted and the corresponding process has not yet concluded, ensuring the proper management of the disputed information.

  • At the request of the data subject, provide information on the use of their data, offering transparency and clarity in personal data processing.

  • Inform the data protection authority in case of security breaches and risks in managing data subjects' information, ensuring adequate and responsible management of personal data security.


Persons or Entities that May Request Information:


Information that meets the requirements established by law may be shared with the following persons:


  • The data subjects or their legal representatives.

  • Public or administrative entities that, in the exercise of their legal functions or by court order, require access to information to fulfill their responsibilities.

  • Third parties authorized by the data subject or by law, provided there is express consent or a legal basis that allows access to information.


Data Subject Rights.


Data subject rights give clients control and the ability to make decisions about the use and processing of their personal data, ensuring that they are managed appropriately and respecting their privacy. It is crucial that clients are aware of their rights and use them as a tool to ensure transparency in data management:


  • Access the data provided that has been processed during the contracted process or service, such as letters, citations, forms, declarations, payments, among others.

  • Request the updating and rectification of their information regarding partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fragmented data that induces error, or data whose processing has not been authorized.

  • Revoke authorization and/or request data deletion unless there is a legal or contractual duty that makes it imperative to retain the information.

  • Refrain from answering questions about sensitive data.


Management of Requests and Incidents.


All incidents and suspicious events about data must be reported by the Data Subject as soon as possible through the internal channels established by INMIGRACIONOK LLC. In case of loss or disclosure of sensitive or confidential information, the Security Officer must be immediately notified to initiate the relevant investigations.


The Security Officer will be responsible for managing users' requests and exercising their rights, along with the IT Department and the Customer Service Management (SAC) of INMIGRACIONOK LLC. For this purpose, users and clients must send their inquiries and concerns to the email experience.sac@inmigracionok.org, or send physical communication to the address:


InmigracionOk LLC

425 Elmora Ave

Unit 1,

Elizabeth, NJ 07208,

United States of America

Additionally, they can manage their request at the phone number +1 (908) 758-3931.


The above-mentioned channels will receive, process, and respond to requests for updating, correcting, or deleting personal data, as well as all requests generated by clients.


To make inquiries, claims, or data modifications, the client must send via email or physical letter to the address indicated by INMIGRACIONOK LLC with the following information of the Data Subject and/or their legal representative:


  • First and last names

  • Specific data to inquire about or claim, indicating the event.

  • Physical address

  • Email address

  • Landline and mobile phone number

  • Identification number

  • Signature


With the report sent by the client, a diagnosis will be generated to respond to the client within a maximum of 15 business days. Additionally, actions will be taken to mitigate the causes that originated the incident and ensure that the entire incident management process is duly documented, with the support of the IT Department.


Data Transfer.


INMIGRACIONOK LLC may transfer personal data to third parties involved in operational procedures according to the established functions by law. In these cases, necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the people accessing the data comply with this policy and the principles of personal data protection, confidentiality, and good management.


When INMIGRACIONOK LLC transfers data to one or more processors, contractual clauses will be established, or a personal data transmission contract will be entered into.


This contract will specify the scope of processing, the activities the processor will perform on behalf of the controller for personal data processing, and the processor's obligations towards the data subject and the controller.


Through this contract, the processor commits to complying with the obligations established by the controller in the Data Processing Policy and to processing the data according to the purpose authorized by the data subjects and applicable laws.


In addition to the obligations established by the applicable regulations in the contract, the processor will also be subject to the following obligations:


  • Process personal data on behalf of the controller according to the principles protecting them.

  • Safeguard the security of databases, data sources, and repositories containing personal data.

  • Maintain confidentiality in personal data processing, including historical information.

  • In case of data transfer, comply with the obligations established in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


Data Transmission


INMIGRACIONOK LLC may transmit personal data to third parties involved in operational procedures according to the established functions by law. In these cases, necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the people accessing the data comply with this policy and the principles of personal data protection, confidentiality, and good management.


Cookies Management


Cookies are a file with data saved on the user's computer when visiting a page. This file stores fragments of information that a website stores on your device when visited by clients. INMIGRACIONOK LLC uses cookies to collect information about clients, and it is possible to configure your device to notify you each time a cookie is sent or disable all cookies through your browser settings. However, it should be noted that if you disable cookies, you may not access many features that enhance your visitor experience, and some of our services may not function properly.


INMIGRACIONOK LLC on its website www.inmigracionokabogados.com will have the following cookie-related policies:


  • INMIGRACIONOK LLC will stop all cookies and trackers until clear and explicit consent is obtained from the client. Consent must be free and not conditioned on service use.

  • Transparency to show the client clearly and understandably all cookies and trackers operating on their website. This will allow the client to make an informed decision about their consent or rejection at the start of browsing the page.

  • Free consent from the client must be given voluntarily and never conditioned on the use of a service. The user must have the option to accept or reject cookies without negative repercussions.

  • INMIGRACIONOK LLC will be responsible for protecting clients' data. They must be aware of and consider third parties that may be present on their website, such as video connectors or social media applications, ensuring that user data is adequately protected.

  • Inmigración OK will be responsible for protecting users' data and knowing the third parties present on the website.


The cookies managed on INMIGRACIONOK LLC's website are grouped into the following categories:


  • Strictly necessary for the proper operation of the page

  • Performance

  • Functional

  • Advertising

  • Preferences


Each category has its specific functions and purposes. You can manage and disable cookies through your browser settings. Additionally, the possibility of receiving personalized advertising from third parties and how to disable it is mentioned. It is also highlighted that, as a registered visitor, you can receive personalized communications and adjust your preferences at any time.

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